Our History
Work to address climate change started in 2018 with a grant from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts – the Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) Program. The State’s MVP program was established to help Massachusetts communities become more resilient and sustainable in the face of anticipated climate change impacts. The program provided grant funding for cities and towns to develop prioritization plans. Once completed and submitted to the state, the town was given official MVP Community status, which made the town eligible for additional funding in the form of MVP action grants. Harvard became an MVP Community in September of 2019 and the MVP Subcommittee ceased to exist by design.

The 6 focus areas of the Harvard Climate Initiative.
Following MVP certification, Harvard applied for and received MVP Action Grant Funding for a comprehensive climate action plan. A new MVP group named the Community Resilience Working Group (CRWG) was formed in late 2019 as a Planning Board subcommittee to continue working on MVP matters. CRWG applied for an MVP action grant. The grant was approved although it did not receive the full funding requested and upon award had to operate within the confines of COVID-19 protocols. However, CRWG was able to complete a climate action plan for agriculture, an outline for other action plan segments, and community outreach materials. Harvard also partnered with the Town of Bolton and Devens on a project entitled Apple Country Nature Based Solutions. This project focused on farms, turf fields, wetlands, and forests regarding nature-based solutions for protection of these resources.
While continuing work on the climate action plan and outreach activities, the CRWG, with support from the Town of Harvard Select Board, brought a Climate Resolution to the Special Town Meeting in October 2021. This resolution passed resoundingly. By December 2021, a new Harvard Climate Initiative Committee (HCIC) was established to take the place of CRWG. HCIC reports to the Select Board with the goals of:
- completing the Climate Action Plan by focusing on the Commonwealth’s greenhouse gas emission goals,
- establishing a mechanism and process for reviewing town projects, plans and policies through an environmental lens, and
- reporting to town citizens on the town’s progress in these areas.
By January 2023, HCIC completed and presented The Climate Action Plan to the Select Board for approval and adoption. This plan established six focus areas with goals and actions to meet the Commonwealth of Massachusetts 2030 and 2050 climate action goals.
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